文章改编自《联合早报》29/09/2007现在版。作者:东方客。江凌老师导读。要听文章朗读?请到:http://www.gistxl.com/baomihua/ 也许你曾在机场看过日本妇女送别的情景,她们一边儿行礼,一边儿后退,不敢靠近对方,仿佛跟对方是井水不犯河水,你我有别,哪像送别啊?
日本的传统房屋不算大,但一般门口却宽阔广大。门外汉的我,曾经觉得那是浪费地方,为什么不缩小门口,多建一间房间呢? 后来问起日本建筑师,房子的进出口是主人的门面,要有一定的空间,要让住的人与看的人都觉得舒畅。
日本的空间文化让我想起了不同文化的情趣。世上正因为有那么多不同的文化生活习惯,这个世界才显得多姿多彩,灿烂鲜艳啊! 看来我们得去理解他人的文化,同时也得学会尊重他人的文化,让世界各国各民族的文化开花结果,传遍各地,促进和平友好。(传自广岛)
Word List1) 井水不犯河水 【jǐngshuǐ búfàn héshuǐ】比喻各管各的,互不相犯/ to not have anything to do with each other
2) 缠绵悱恻 【chánmiánfěicè】指难分难舍,十分伤感/ excessively sentimental
3) 有过之无不及 【yǒu guò zhī wúbù jí】相比之下,只有超过而没有赶不上的/ to go even further; to outdo
4) 依然故我 【yīrángùwǒ】形容自己一切跟从前一样,没有改变/ to still be one’s old self
5) 门外汉 【ménwàihàn】指外行人/ outsider or layman
6) 搁置 【gēzhì】置放/ shelve or place
7) 君子之交淡如水 【jūnzǐ zhī jiāo dàn rú shuǐ】朋友之间的交情,平淡如水,不尚虚华/ friendship between gentlemen is as plain as water; good fences make good neighbours
8) 一鼓作气 【yìgǔzuòqì】比喻趁劲头大的时候鼓起干劲,一口气做完/ press on the finish without letting up

Q1 根据文章内容,各国的送别情景和舞台情景有什么不同?
送别情景:1) 日本人 2) 西方人 3) 中国/韩国人
舞台情景:1) 中国春节联欢晚会 2) 日本红白歌唱晚会
Q2 日本人在意哪些“空间“?
Q3 日本传统房屋的门口有怎样的特点?为什么要设计成这样?
Q4 日本人所说的“亲密之间也得要有距离”是什么意思?
Q5 请解释下列两个包含“水”的俗语的含义:
1) 井水不犯河水(第1段)
2) 君子之交淡如水(第7段)
Q6 请根据文章内容归纳:什么是日本的空间文化?
Q7 对于日本的空间,你有什么看法?
Q8 你认为新加坡有没有自己的文化特色?
日本的空间文化(The Culture of Space in Japan) 也许你曾在机场看过日本妇女送别的情景,她们一边行礼,一边后退,不敢靠近对方,仿佛跟对方井水不犯河水,你我有别,哪像送别啊?
You may have seen how Japanese women send people off at the airport. They bow as they move backwards, not daring to go near each other, as if they were deliberately keeping a distance. In what way does this look like a send-off?
Now take a look at how Westerners bid farewell – they hug and kiss each other, showing excessive sentimentality. In the Orient, the Chinese and South Koreans now go even further. However, the Japanese remain their old selves. Even if they are sending off a parent, a child or a sibling, they give a pat on the shoulders at most, with a reminder to take care, and then gaze silently as the person leaving walks towards the checkpoint. How lacking in affection and feeling!
But no, this does not demonstrate a lack of affection. Rather, it is a reflection of the culture of space in Japan.
The Japanese care especially much about space. This does not only refer to actual physical space but also the space that separates humans and even the space that separates sound.
日本的传统房屋不算大,但一般门口却宽阔广大。门外汉的我,曾经觉得那是浪费地方,为什么不缩小门口,多建一间房间呢? 后来问起日本建筑师,房子的进出口是主人的门面,要有一定的空间,要让住的人与看的人都觉得舒畅。
A traditional Japanese house is not very large but its main doorway is usually very wide. As an outsider, I once found this to be a waste of space. Why not narrow the main doorway and build another room? I subsequently asked a Japanese architect and was told that a doorway is like the visage of the owner. Thus, a certain amount of space needs to be kept such that those who live there and those who see the doorway both derive a pleasant feeling.
The interior design of Japanese houses always features a part that is bare, which is only used to display vases or calligraphy and paintings. The space seems wasted but it is actually the heart of the Japanese house.
The space between humans is even harder to understand. The Japanese often say that one should always maintain some distance even in a close relationship. They feel that space between two people must be maintained, even among the closest of friends. For this reason, the Japanese never hold hands or have their arms around each other when they walk on the streets, and they do not shake hands or hug when they meet or bid farewell. It is just like the Chinese saying, “The friendship between gentlemen should be as plain as water”.
We can see another example of the culture of space in Japan when we look at the differences between the Chinese Spring Festival Gala and the Japanese Red and White Song Contest. In the latter event, each singer sings on stage alone, with only a few performances featuring accompanying dancers. However, in the Chinese performance, accompanying dancers are almost a must. Dancers crowd the stage running and leaping here and there, creating an animated scene.
And if one listens carefully to the news reports by Japanese broadcast announcers, one can sense the same Japanese culture of space. No matter how rapid-fire the Japanese language is, the announcer never reads a long sentence without a break. Instead, there is often a pause between subjects and objects so as to make the reading sound deliberate and unhurried. Without these pauses, the Japanese language seems to be missing something and to not sound Japanese at all.
日本的空间文化让我想起了不同文化的情趣。世上正因为有那么多不同的文化生活习惯,这个世界才显得多姿多彩,灿烂鲜艳啊! 看来我们得去理解他人的文化,同时也得学会尊重他人的文化,让世界各国各民族的文化开花结果,传遍各地,促进和平友好。
The culture of space in Japan makes me think of the interesting things that lie in the various cultures. It is because of the diversity of cultural lifestyles that our world is such a colourful and resplendent place. We must strive to understand and respect the cultures of others so as to allow the cultures of the world to flourish and spread far and wide, thereby promoting peace and friendship.