星期三, 七月 25, 2007

25-07-2007 爆米花


分享(To Share) (2007-07-25爆米花)


  There is a story in The Roots of Chinese Wisdom (Cai Gen Tan) in which a Buddhist monk planted numerous chrysanthemums in the courtyard of his temple. In the autumn of the third year, the courtyard had become a chrysanthemum garden. The fragrance of the flowers wafted down to the village at the foot of the hill. All who visited the temple exclaimed, "What beautiful flowers!" Subsequently, people came to the temple to ask for flowers to plant in their own courtyards. The monk would always choose the finest flowers, dig them out by their bearded roots and give them to those who asked. More and more people came to ask for flowers. The monk found them to be devoted and close and so he continued to present them with his flowers. Gradually, all of the flowers in the courtyard were given away. Without the chrysanthemums, the courtyard looked dismal and empty.


  His disciples were all upset at this. 

  However, the monk said with a smile, "Isn't this very good? Three years later, our entire village will be covered with chrysanthemum gardens and enveloped by the fragrance of their flowers." After the disciples heard this, they could not help but be filled with a sense of warmth. In their mind's eye, they saw a beautiful scene of a village filled with blossoming chrysanthemums.


  Sure enough, the village was filled with chrysanthemum gardens after three years and enveloped by their fragrance.


  At this time, the monk told his disciples, "We should share good things with others so that everyone can experience the blessings that they bring. Only in this way will we ourselves be truly blessed."


  The commentary to this episode in The Roots of Chinese Wisdom says, "We should understand that we will always be more blessed when we share our blessings with others. One should not only think of oneself but should present to others the fine pleasures that one possesses. Only by doing so can one understand that sharing one's blessings with others is a greater blessing than keeping the blessings to oneself." This commentary immediately made me think of a childhood friend of mine. He has had beautiful handwriting ever since he was a child. After he retired, his passion for calligraphy grew stronger. He often presents his calligraphic works to others, especially those written in small standard script calligraphy (xiao kai), and covering an entire central scroll (zhong tang). He has never yearned for fame and fortune. For the past two decades, he had quietly shared his beautiful calligraphy with his good friends. I hold him in high esteem.


  I also admire the many friends who hold exhibitions of their calligraphy and paintings. Regardless of whether or not I know them personally, I always feel that they have shared with us their finest blessings. That is why I always carry a grateful heart with me whenever I attend an exhibition, to share in part of the fragrance of our world.

Word List

1) 禅师 【chánshī】对和尚的尊称/Buddhist monk
2) 讨  【tǎo】要,请求对方给予/ask for
3) 根须 【gēnxū】泛指植物的根/ends of roots
4) 知心 【zhīxīn】彼此契合,腹心相照/understanding, devoted
5) 亲近 【qīnjìn】关系亲密/close, familiar
6) 凄凉 【qīliáng】凄清冷落/dreary, dismal
7) 浮现 【fúxiàn】(过去经历的事情)再次在脑子里显现/emerge, appear
8) 盛开 【shèngkāi】花茂盛地开放/blooming, blossoming
9) 评论 【pínglùn】批评﹑议论/commentary
10) 寄情 【jìqíng】寄托情怀/have feelings for
11) 小楷 【xiǎokǎi】楷体小字,三国魏锺繇等所创/small standard script Chinese calligraphic form
12) 整幅 【zhěngfú】指内容和篇幅完整的字画/an entire width or piece (of a painting or calligraphy)
13) 中堂 【zhōngtáng】挂在厅堂正中的大幅字画/central scroll format used for Chinese paintings and calligraphy
14) 从不慕名利 【cóng bù mù mínglì】从来不贪图名声和财富/not yearn for fame or fortune
15) 感恩 【gǎnēn】对别人所给的帮助表示感激/grateful, appreciative

Q1 下列名言中,和本文说明的道理最接近的是:

A 阴谋陷害别人的人,自己会首先遭到不幸。—伊索
B 幸福越与人共享,它的价值越增加。   —森村诚一
C 要成就一件大事业,必须从小事做起。  —列宁
D 改造自己,总比禁止别人来得难。    —鲁迅

Q2 作者那个擅长书法的邻居,和《菜根谭》中的禅师有什么共同之处?

A 他们都把自己的东西送得一干二净
B 他们都把好东西拿出来与人分享
C 他们都是默默地做事,不喜欢说话
D 他们都希望别人喜欢他们的东西

Q3 阅读下面的故事:





1) 这个故事和菜根谭的故事所说的道理,有哪些相似和不同之处?

      《菜根谭》中禅师的故事         天堂的人的故事

2) 这两个故事的写法有什么不同?

3) 两个故事中的老禅师和上帝有什么相似之处?

4) 天堂和地狱到底有什么区别?请猜猜看故事中的人会怎样回答。

Q4 你有什么有关分享的故事吗?讲给你的同学听听。

