星期三, 八月 29, 2007

















Word List

1) 解码 【jié mǎ】用特定方法把数码还原成它所代表的内容或将信号转换成它所表示的信息、数据等/decode or make sense of
2) 热衷 【rèzhōng】对某种活动喜爱,爱好/become self-absorbed in; to indulge and enjoy
3) 树荫 【shùyīn】树木枝叶在日光下所形成的阴影/shade of a tree
4) 相偕而来 【xiàngxiéérlái】一起,结伴到来/together with; in the company of
5) 悠哉闲哉 【yōu zāi xián zāi】形容很悠闲惬意/at leisure, free from restraints
6) 酝酿 【yùnniàng】比喻事情逐渐成熟的准备过程/gestation
7) 高谈阔论 【gāotánkuòlùn】不着边际地大发议论/talk of high-flown topics; spout off Bottom of Form
8) 昏昏欲睡 【hūnhūnyùshuì】困乏,只想睡觉/sleepy
9) 写意 【xiěyì】从容不迫/leisurely; enjoyable
10) 全情投入 【quán qíng tóurù】把自己的全部精力投入其中/throw themselves enthusiastically or intently into
11) 精打细算 【jīngdǎxìsuàn】精密地计划,详细地计算/pinching pennies
12) 急功近利 【jígōngjìnlì】急于求成,贪图眼前的成效和利益/eager for quick success and instant benefit
13) 五官 【wǔguān】人体五种器官。指眼﹑耳﹑鼻﹑喉﹑口/the five senses


Q1. 请为文中空格处选择适当的词语:
  1.  A 课题  B 话题  C 专题  D 题目
  2.  A 一概  B 一处  C 一同  D 一阵
  3.  A 顺从  B 照顾  C 适应  D 顺应
  4.  A 增加  B 减低  C 浪费  D 消费
  5.  A 心态  B 心理  C 心思  D 态度
  6.  A 投入  B 注入  C 投注  D 放入
  7.  A 捉摸  B 追捕  C 捕捉  D 捕获
  8.  A 催促  B 仓促  C 急促  D 促使

Q2. 西班牙人到游泳池只是为游泳吗?从哪里可以看出来?

Q3. 如何理解“关上商店大门,其实是另一个开始”(第四段)?

Q4. 下午一点到五点之间,为什么西班牙很多商店都关门休业?

Q5. 作者为什么认为“午休并不是一场空白”?

Q6. “放缓步伐”有哪些好处?请根据文章最后一段内容概括回答。

Q7. 人们常说:“一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴”,可文章作者却赞赏西班牙人“缓慢的姿态”。这是否跟我们一直所受的教育相矛盾呢?

Q8. 请设计一份你理想中的一天的时间表。






  The degree of slowness may be directly proportional to the level of enjoyment.


  When it comes to living, the Spaniards have their own way of making sense of slowness.


  When you go to their swimming pools, you only see them taking pleasure in soaking themselves in the water rather than swimming. Within a few minutes, they would be sitting on the lawn under the shade of the trees, engrossed in their own world of magazines or books, carried along by the glow of the sun, or chatting together with their companions, rambling over some random topic. One realises that a swimming pool need not only be for swimming. In any case, what is important is not what you are doing but rather that you are passing your time at leisure, free from restraints.


  When the midday rest period comes, all shops in Spain other than eating establishments stop operations until around 5 pm in the evening, when they reopen for business. The streets after 1 pm are relatively quiet, with an almost gestation-like stillness. When the shop doors close for their midday rest, it is actually another beginning.


  During the midday rest, Spaniards meet up with friends for lunch, over which they discuss various high flown topics unhurriedly. Work can wait but people and time cannot. The time one spends on a meal is time that must be experienced and enjoyed fully. Eating is never a race against time. One must satisfy not just the physical body but also enrich the spirit. After lunch, the sweltering afternoon temperatures and the food in one’s stomach make the body sleepy, and one obeys its command and takes a short nap.


  For some people, the afternoon constitutes a wasted opportunity to earn money. However, it seems to also be a waste to have the time but not the knowledge of how to enjoy that time. Those who race against time live outside of time. They experience the eternity of the next second but in that process, they forget the present.


  After 5 pm, the sun slowly sets. After siesta, the shop doors once again open and the hustle and bustle begins. A recharged body and spirit can face this “new” beginning more effectively.

  So the afternoon siesta is not some empty void.


  Whether in their meals or in doing business, the Spaniards possess a leisurely attitude. They eat slowly, enjoying every bite. When chatting with friends, they throw themselves into the discussion with full enthusiasm. When doing business they also adopt a relaxed approach. Shops are filled with comforting sounds rather than the commotion of penny-pinching eagerness for quick success and instant benefit.


  Slow down your steps. Only by slowing down will your senses have time to vividly capture what you experience. You do not need to have a digital camera for this. Walking too quickly, rushing to collect the most number of destinations within the shortest time may be one definition of success. However, life is a journey. In hurrying along this path, one misses the scenery along the way before one can truly see them. They become like photographs taken in a rush without having enough time to focus one’s camera or compose the scene.

