星期三, 八月 01, 2007


2007-08-01 爆米花


负重(To Carry a Load) (2007-08月01日爆米花)







Q1. 请为文中空格处选择适当的词语:
   1  A堵塞  B堵住  C塞满  D挤满
   2  A保护  B维护  C呵护  D防护
   3  A歪斜  B倾倒  C倾向  D倾斜
   4  A操作  B控制  C掌握  D操办
   5  A 稳重  B平稳  C平缓  D平和
   6  A憔悴  B愤怒  C悲伤  D得意
   7  A集中  B召开  C聚集  D召集
   8  A轻松  B轻盈  C放松  D松懈
   9  A感受  B容忍  C承受  D承担
   10 A醒悟  B反省  C觉悟  D领悟

Q2. 第1段中,作者为什么形容这些孩子是“美丽娇嫩的小花”?
Q3. 第2段中的“苦过来的一代人”指的是谁?他们怎样“继续做牛做马”?
Q4. 老渔夫说:“只有负重,我们才能平稳地航行。”怎样理解这句话的含义?
Q5. 作家米兰·昆德拉认为,人“最不能承受的恰恰是‘轻松’”。你同意他的看法吗?为什么?
Q6. 文章一共讲了几件事?这几件事有什么共同之处?
Q7. 作者写这篇文章的目的是什么?
Q8. 你可以从鸟类背上翅膀的故事中得到怎样的启示?

Word List

1) 车水马龙 【chēshuǐmǎlóng】形容来往车马很多,连续不断的热闹情景/heavy traffic
2) 堵塞 【dǔsè】交通拥堵,无法正常运行/jam
3) 负重而行 【fùzhòng ér xíng】在行走的过程中背负重担/walk while carrying a load
4) 娇嫩 【jiāonèn】柔嫩/delicate
5) 灿烂 【cànlàn】华丽,绚丽/brilliant
6) 横行 【héngxíng】行动蛮横,倚仗势力做坏事/tyranny, to reign supreme
7) 肆意 【sìyì】放纵,毫无顾忌/wantonly, wilfully
8) 天平 【tiānpíng】根据杠杆原理制成的一种用来称量物体质量的仪器/balance
9) 倾斜 【qīngxié】歪斜/tilted, slanted
10) 紧绷 【jǐnbēng】拉紧/tighten, tense up
11) 吩咐 【fēnfu】口头命令或派遣/request, instructions
12) 迁就 【qiānjiù】降格相就,曲意迎合/accommodate, indulge
13) 千般 【qiānbān】多种多样,用尽办法/on a thousand occasions
14) 绝境 【juéjìng】没有出路的境地/desperate straits
15) 叮咛 【dīngníng】反复地嘱咐/advice, warning
16) 憔悴 【qiáocuì】瘦弱无力脸色难看的样子/haggard
17) 走兽 【zǒushòu】泛指兽类/land animals, quadrupeds
18) 笨重 【bènzhòng】庞大沉重,不灵巧/cumbersome, clumsy
19) 轻盈 【qīngyíng】轻松快活/lightness
20) 坦荡 【tǎndàng】心胸开阔而无贪欲/magnanimous, broad and level
21) 惊涛骇浪 【jīngtāohàilàng】汹涌吓人的浪涛;比喻险恶的环境terrifying waves
22) 稳健 【wěnjiàn】平稳有力/steadily
23) 松松垮垮 【sōngsōngkuǎkuǎ】懒散疲塌不紧张,也指不稳固/slack and flabby
24) 窝窝囊囊 【wōwo nāng nāng】指人懦弱,没本事/timidly or cowardly

负重(To Carry a Load)


  There is always heavy traffic at the main gates of primary schools in the early morning. One reason for the traffic jams is that many parents insist on driving their cars right up to the gates, where upon a parent or maid will get off to carry the schoolbag for the child; the child will be led by the hand until the "No Visitors Allowed" sign before being released, after which the parent or maid will return to the car. It is as if the children, loved and protected, cannot traverse this short distance of around 10 metres alone, much less walk while carrying a load. They are beautiful and delicate little flowers who can only blossom brilliantly in greenhouses away from the wind and rain.


  Our era is one in which children reign supreme. The generation that had faced hardships in their time continues to slog like beasts of burden, letting their children ride wantonly on their heads. Society seems to have gone off-kilter; the young are esteemed and parents have to be careful that they do not tighten their expressions or raise their voices, that they not give orders but only talk things over, and that they try to accommodate and please their offspring as much as possible, lest the child be made upset, subjecting the parents to a month of sullen looks.


  I cannot help but think of a story. There was a young fisherman who was fishing in the sea for the first time. Unfortunately, a typhoon came and he was marooned on a desert island. He could fish for food but could not protect himself from the cold. On the third day, he decided to risk leaving the island lest he freeze to death. At that time, the seas were still stormy and it was hard to control his boat in the ocean, where it was thrown about like a leaf. In his desperation, he suddenly remembered his father's advice; one must always have several rocks in the boat when one goes to sea in case one runs into a storm. The fisherman quickly moved several rocks onto the bottom of his boat. Sure enough, the boat was much more stable amidst the wind and waves. The fisherman finally made it home safely. His father was waiting on the shore for him. Seeing the rocks at the bottom of the boat and his son's haggard expression, the old fisherman said with affection, "Son, you must remember that in our lives, we must always bring along some rocks – only with ballast can we sail on an even keel..."

  It is said that many years ago, birds had no wings and could only travel on the ground like other quadrupeds. One day, God summoned all animals, pointed to a pile of objects on the ground and asked, "Who can help me share this load and carry these on your back?" The objects looked cumbersome and ugly. The rabbits were the first to scamper away. God then said, "Once you put them on your back, they will stay there forever." The animals were all afraid and slowly slinked away. Only a group of birds remained. They picked up the objects on the ground and put them on their backs. They did what they were told and opened them up and tried to flap them. They discovered that these objects were not as heavy as they expected. In fact, they felt a sudden lightness and flew off into the skies.


  The author, Milan Kundera, once said, "A person can bear all types of loads and burdens and these will give that person a magnanimous and full life. What is hardest to bear is 'lightness'." A fishing boat needs to carry a certain load in order to reach the opposite shore steadily through terrifying waves. Birds must first bear the load of their wings before they can traverse the boundless seas and skies. A life without burden and pressure easily wears down the human spirit, such that a person finally becomes a clump of soft loose mud, moving towards the endpoint in a timid manner.


  Yet when will infatuated parents come to their senses?












