星期三, 八月 08, 2007








  Apparently, when one is happy, one’s body absorbs unpolluted energy existing in the cosmos, which can unblock the channels, regulate nervous system and muscle responses of the body, thereby releasing negative feelings that accumulate over long periods of stress.


  When these negative feelings are released, our body will naturally relax, and our endocrine system will secrete pain-killing hormones, which will lessen stress-induced headaches as well as reduce the burden on the heart. Thus, a person will naturally become more “alive”.


  So, in order to make oneself more “alive”, the first step is to make oneself happy.

  一首老歌“Don't Worry Be Happy”听起来轻松容易,但是要做到还是有点问题。因为每一个人对于情绪管理的程度各异。

  Listening to the retro song “Don't Worry Be Happy” is easy, but to put this into action is somewhat more difficult. This is because everyone has different abilities in controlling their own moods.


  One’s feelings of pleasure, anger, sorrow and joy affect the realities of one’s life: birth, aging, illness and death. However, in the course of our development, there are many who overlook some happy and joyful memories because of accumulated feelings of sorrow and resentment. If unhappy events make up nine-tenths of one’s life, then one should cherish even more the happy things that make up the remaining one-tenth. If one allows sorrow, resentment, anger and hatred to bring long-term pressure to one’s life, then this will only interfere with the activity of one’s brain cells, thereby affecting the control centre responsible for prolonging one’s life. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that one becomes old and feeble.


  That is why some people practice “laughing”; one is in practice whenever one laughs heartily and is happy (and even if this is faked, it is still effective).


  Every harmonious relationship starts with a smile. Happiness is the wellspring of good health. Humans have various emotions and desires. There is no never-ending happiness, but one must always strive to be happy. There is no never-ending sadness, and one must never give in to despair.


  A life is filled with ups and downs. Smooth-sailing or adverse conditions never last forever; there can only be conditions where there is a little less of happiness.


  To learn to be content may not necessarily bring about eternal happiness, but it can definitely bring about a shorter duration of happiness. This duration may extend throughout our entire lives. Everyone has a different definition of what happiness is. This depends on how you cherish, keep and share the things that had brought you happiness before.


  Why are you unhappy? It is because you fear. Why do you fear? Because you are afraid of losing your happiness.

Word List

1) 顺境 【shùn jìng】顺利的境遇/smooth-sailing
2) 能量 【néngliàng】物质运动的一般量度/energy
3) 疏通 【shūtōng】疏浚开通/unblock
4) 筋脉 【jīnmài】中医指气血的通路/ channels within the body
5) 神经系统 【shénjīngxìtǒng】具有调节各器官生理活动以适应外界环境变化功能的系统/nervous system
6) 压抑 【yāyì】进行限制,使不能自由发挥、发展/stress or pressure
7) 内分泌系统 【nèifēnmì xìtǒng】人体内重要的机能调节系统,由内分泌腺和分散于机体各处的内分泌细胞组成/endocrine system
8) 荷尔蒙 【héěrméng】激素的旧称/hormone
9) 喜怒哀乐 【xǐnùāilè】泛指人的各种不同的感情/pleasure, anger, sorrow and joy
10) 衰老 【shuāilǎo】生物体或生物体的一部分趋向自然死亡的现象/become old and feeble
11) 和谐 【héxié】配合得适当和匀称/harmonious
12) 泉源 【quányuán】比喻事物产生的原因或来源/wellspring, source
13) 七情六欲 【qī qíng liù yù】泛指人的喜、怒、哀、乐和嗜欲等/Seven emotions (joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hate and desire) and six desires (colour, form, carriage, voice, softness, and feature)
14) 逆境 【nìjìng】不顺利的境遇/adversity
15) 恐惧 【kǒngjù】惧怕/fear or dread


Q1. 作者在文中提到衰老的一个原因是:
   A 人生不如意事十之八九
   B 珍惜那十之一二的如意事
    C 喜怒哀乐影响到生老病死
    D 哀与怨,怒与恨变成长期的生活压力

Q2. 下列哪项不属于负面情绪被释放后的结果:
    A 身体自然就会放松
    B 身体里的筋脉得以疏通
    C 心脏的负荷也跟着减少
    D 压力所造成的头痛会减轻

Q3. 宇宙中没被污染的能量,对我们有什么帮助?

Q4. 为什么“要让自己‘活’起来,首先要让自己快乐起来”?

Q5. 请解释“人生不如意事十之八九”的意思。

Q6. 作者认为:知足未必常乐,但是知足肯定让人快乐一阵子。

Q7. 你的快乐的秘诀是什么?说出来和大家分享。

Q8. 下面是“Don't Worry Be Happy"的歌词,请把它翻译成华文:

   Here's a little song I wrote
  You might want to sing it note for note
   Don't worry, be happy
   In every life we have some trouble
   But when you worry you make it double

   Don't worry,be happy
   Don't worry, be happy now

   Don't worry, be happy Don't worry, be happy
   Don't worry,be happy Don't worry,be happy

   Ain't got no place to lay your head
   Somebody came and took your bed
   Don't worry, be happy
   The landlord say your rent is late
   He may have to litigate
   Don't worry, be happy
   Don't worry, be happy

   (Sung By Bobby Mcferin)

