星期三, 九月 19, 2007















1.  A出人头地  B日新月异  C发扬光大  D家喻户晓
2.  A与日俱增  B人云亦云  C面目全非  D不折不扣
3.  A依赖    B依靠    C依据    D依存
4.  A动荡    B动乱    C动弹    D动静
5.  A塑造    B创造    C建造    D建设
6.  A夸张    B懒惰    C吝啬    D复杂
7.  A孕育    B养育    C培养    D栽培
8.  A简短    B简洁    C简单    D简化
9.  A不劳而获  B不知所措  C不务正业  D不自量力
10. A虚假    B虚拟    C虚空    D虚幻

Q2. 文章开头指出:“城镇如同一个个抽离的世界”。这句话是什么意思?

Q3. 原始的人类和大自然的关系怎样?

Q4. 请解释下列两句话的含义:
   1.把自己锁入了自己所设置的牢笼里。 (第5段)

Q5. 现在的人类和大自然的关系怎样?为什么会这样?

Q6. 如何理解题目的含义?

Q7. 从文中可以看出作者怎样的担忧?

Word List

1) 抽离 【chōu lí】分离/alienated
2) 隔绝 【géjué】隔离,无法交流来往/isolated
3) 冲刺 【chōngcì】突然加速向前/burst forth
4) 不折不扣 【bù zhé bù kòu】表示完全、十足的意思/completely, one hundred percent
5) 瘫痪 【tānhuàn】比喻组织机构失去作用,不能正常工作/paralysis
6) 动弹不得 【dòngtan bùdé】无法活动/unable to move
7) 吝啬 【lìnsè】过分爱惜财物,小气/stingy, miserly
8) 撷取 【xié qǔ】摘取或获取/take or pluck
9) 孕育 【yùnyù】比喻从既存事物中培养新生事物/gestate or give birth to
10) 察言观色 【cháyánguānsè】观察别人的说话或脸色,多指揣摸别人的心意/carefully observe someone’s actions and mood
11) 引擎 【yǐnqíng】发动机/engine
12) 虚拟 【xū nǐ】设想,虚构/virtual
13) 狂妄自大 【kuángwàng zìdà】指极其放肆,自高自大,自中无人/conceited, self-important
14) 一手遮天 【yìshǒuzhētiān】形容依仗权势统治一切/shutting out the heavens with one hand
15) 局外人 【júwàirén】指与某事无关的人/outsider




  Cities and towns look like alien worlds that have distanced themselves from Mother Nature.


  Isolated from the natural world, the needs and activities of the denizens of cities and towns have given rise to many professions and skills that are specific only to urban living. As buildings gradually rise up over the skyline, various urban trades emerge, various man-made products burst forth, and technology changes with each passing day. Our modern-day cities and towns have become thoroughly artificial worlds and centres for human life and survival. Humans have become mutually interdependent in an unprecedented way and cannot get by without others. Should public transport workers go on strike one day, then the citizens of cities and towns will face extreme inconvenience. If there is a power outage, our cities and towns will become paralysed and immobilised.


  And so, humans have unknowingly allowed themselves to become prisoners in their own man-made world.


  Primitive humans lived in the embrace of Mother Nature and relied on the natural world to survive. Mother Nature has never been the slightest bit stingy, allowing humans to take as much as they want from her boundless resources. At that time, all of the necessities for human life came from nature. Such a close relationship allowed the two sides to communicate implicitly even without language. Mother Nature gave birth to humans so humans must learn how to carefully take note of her actions and utterances in order to have better control over their own lives.


  Nowadays, fewer people depend on the land for their living and more and more people live in cities. Humans have slowly created their own world within Mother Nature and alienated themselves from her, building fortress walls of steel and concrete and locking themselves into the cage which they themselves built. Many tasks that had previously required physical strength can now be done with the snap of a finger; the invention of engines, buttons and computers have simplified many types of work. When there is a technical malfunction, our daily lives are affected, and people suddenly do not know what to do. The creation of the Internet has allowed humans to show their true faces in a virtual world. Many physical objects have become virtual, like photographs, documents, words, feelings…


  Humans seem to have successfully broken away from Mother Nature and no longer need to adapt themselves to her whims. Perhaps it is because of this that they have become more and more filled with their own self-importance, believing that they have the power to shut out the heavens with one hand.


  The language of Mother Nature has become increasingly unfamiliar to humans. When one looks out the window, the significance of the sky is only whether one gets to see blue skies and white clouds. Although living on this earth, humans have become more like outsiders to this world.

